How Convert Python File To Binary File

How Convert Python File To Binary File

In this script we will see how we can convert a python file to binary file or we can say .py to .exe file. Binary file can be executed in any system without installing the actual scripting language or any module. We will use a python module called pyinstaller to convert a .py file to .exe file.
One thing to note that you have to run the binary file in 64 bit operating system only if you have used a 64 bit operating system to convert .py file to .exe file.

How Convert Python File To Binary File

How Convert Python File To Binary File

First you have to installed the module by executing below command in command prompt.

pip install pyinstaller

Then go to the directory where the .py file is located and the execute the below command to convert python file to binary file.

pyinstaller --onefile

Above command will bundled all dependencies and create a .exe file. The location of the .exe file will be displayed at bottom.

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