Execute Unix Command From Windows Server

Execute Unix Command From Windows Server

If you want run Unix command from Windows machine. In a broad sense any machine which supports ssh and you want to get some output from that machine, read any file content then this tool "Unix_Command_From_Windows" is very powerful to use.

You can use this tool from Windows command prompt to any server which support ssh connectivity. It will execute the specified command and get the output from SSH machine and display in Command prompt Screen. If you want to store the output use the optional argument "-o" and tool will store the content in same folder where the application is running.

How To Use The Tool:

Step1: Download the zipped File.

Step2: Extract the File to a specified Folder.

Step3: Open Windows Command Prompt.

Step4: Traverse to the folder where this tool is stored.

Step5: Execute the command "Unix_Command_From_Windows.exe -h" to see the syntax.

Step6: Below is the syntex and Unix Command  to get "ifconfig -a" out from a Linux Machine.

Unix_Command_From_Windows.exe <Server_Name> <Username> <Password><Unix_Command>
Unix_Command_From_Windows.exe host1.org ittechtool password "ifconfig -a"

Step7: If want to store the output in a file the use "-o" at the end. This will generate a .txt file in same folder with Unix server name and store the output into it.

Unix_Command_From_Windows.exe host1.org ittechtool password "ifconfig -a" -o

Download This Tool For Free

Various Scenarios To Use This:

  1. Get Unix system logs for multiple server.
  2. You can get system information without actually logging into it.
  3. Get the specific system command output quickly.
  4. Quickly read the content of any file hosted on ssh machine e.g. "cat /etc/hosts".
You can use this tool on many other ways to reduce your day to day effort you just have to be aware of the exact command to execute. Though this tool can be useful for executing configuration command as well but we strongly recommend to use it only for information collection.
Please like and share about this tool if it was helpful to you by any means.

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